Why It’s Important


Most people are aware of the problems facing humanity and the natural environment in years ahead, largely thanks to fossil energy emissions and pollution.  These are troubling, global issues, but do you care enough to take on these problems as your own? Do you believe that preventing climate change by developing new and credible opportunities in renewable energy, for example, is over your head, out of your hands, not your responsibility, or that nothing we the people do will make a difference?

Throughout our country’s history, ingenuity and innovation have spurred our nation forward and created a prosperous economy. Yet the number of manufacturing jobs in the USA has fallen by almost half in the last 30 years. You can help change the direction of the country and put people back to work producing, selling and using a better liquid fuel.

Clean energy production isn’t so much a money problem as a social problem. Most people are investing in the energy status quo with every tank of gasoline or diesel, and coal-fired power with every electrical device they use. Yet, here’s a clean liquid fuel that can be made profitably, nearly everywhere in America—from nearly anything carbon-based that can be found in the average landfill. Superior to ethanol. No crops needed. No subsidies necessary. A potent and sustainable new rival to gasoline and diesel, and up to 95% cleaner burning.

We’re gearing up to produce commercial volumes of this remarkable, water-soluble and biodegradable fuel. Our first “demonstration” projects will produce sufficient volumes of the fuel and profitably demonstrate to American motorists, investors and politicians alike that higher mixed alcohol fuel is ready for prime time.